Hey GUyz!!
Gr8 to B here, Diz i$ my bLoG Debuut! :)
I wNEt to Go c enception On tUesday CuZ Its CHEAPer! (*hot TIp # 1~)
MaiNly cuz Leo Is $mokin' hOt & also kiNda cuz I wUZ on a Date with Gazz and hEs da guy so hE geTs to Chookse what film we watch.
I lolLeD aT tHe IDeA$ of rEgRet and pErpetualiTy as R3CurRing mOtifs, wIth coBB's inTrnAl cOnfliCt EXtrnalized Thru his wIfe, wHo toOK the fORm of hIs saage Subconxious imAGe of her. A cHAllnge FOr aNy Of Us!! I hAD tO reSorT to anAlYis oF Cobb's sUper-Ego to rEaAlise tHe iNtricacies oF his DillElma. NeCCE$ary D3tail oR lAzy sToRy tEllinG? ;)
(*Hot tip # 2) nOlNa's uSe of the cRash cut aS a tHemAtic AND nArRatIvE dEviCe!! NOICEEE!
tHeRE wAs a kOol POinT werr nOlan LaYered uP 5 lEveLs of dReAms wItHnin drEams. i loiked tHe InHeRent miNdfUCkaGE. lokolok ::))
Thanks Stephanie. She'll be back next week.