Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ol' Possum's inappropriate grope

Each Cat has Three names;
  1. One fancy
  2. One not quite as fancy
  3. One as a criminal alias that is known to the united organisation of cats under the moniker: A.C.G.C.T.F- or the All Cats Gotta' Come Together Front; an Inter-continental conglomerate of Super-Top secrecy dedicated to the acquisition and decriminalisation of Cat-Burglars , Cat-Nappers, Delinquent Spies, and Cat-Fighters, in International Court, SPCA gallows or otherwise. Can't freaking believe TS Eliot wrote that.

A Poem

A cat distracted is scarcely a cat at all.
When intended to spend its Sundays cat-
Napping or carpet-scratching
An absent cat is a bad cat,
very nearly my Dad at that.
My cat is a cat often but never always,
Instead it busies itself with breaks,
Breaking ordinance, but never complete absence.
Replaced abruptly by a decidedly Mum-like creature
Decidedly cat-napping and back-scratching
Happily instead.

Quent's Advice

I sometimes like to follow the good advice of a friend of mine who I call Quents.
He is a HUGE film fan, so huge, my brother and I like to think he's the only person in the world who saw and liked the movie Speed Racer. He's got loads of good advice but the nougat that stuck with me was something about personalising art. Like;

"You gotta put yourself into your art! Otherwise whats the C&*9t-F#@!&g
point you S8*@ licking a$$ toothp&^%$.... you digg??"

His words struck a chord in my not-yet-fully-developed frontal cortex, the kind of advice I imagine my Wise-Uncle-Ben would give me, if only I had a Wise Uncle Ben... I got a Sassy-Auntie-Annie, which is close. Quentie makes a point about specificity, which is quite trite.
You can make a choice in your art, to make something general, in an effort to reach someone, or possibly a vain attempt to hide yourself from your audience. Or else you can be so personal, so specific; out of left field and culled from the chasm of your own life experience, that it relates not to the cultural mass, but the human condition.
I'm generally too terrified to achieve something so specific. It's private stuff, and so easy to hide in coyness or fashion. Yet beware the hollow ring of an empty appropriation, more often than not a bastardisation than a tribute, you can't really copy something that is so personal.
Thanks Quents. "No problem Oli!"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This is a great song.

Its generally not hard to write your best songs. When they come good, it usually comes thick and fast. Its so easy and awesome its hard to self edit, you think; "man I'm having some shockwave of divine inspiration, guess somebody knows what I'm doing better than I do" and you just Keep it all.
Dont do that! Your best song deserves love and attention. Get it all out before it leaves you, then savour the next moment, cause thats when it goes from "lovely Rita" to "Hey Jude"
This could also be the moment you find out you just accidentaly wrote "How deep is your love". Don't be frightened, move on.
*double space*

I have written 6 songs and two fragments of songs in this past month's exam/art time procrastination. Thats the most ever. With this luck I'll write my way out of incarceration and destitude in no time!